Editor’s note: Expressions welcomes any and all students, staff, and community members to submit Letters to the Editor.
A few days before third trimester, Mr. O’Connor asked if I would be willing to teach a section of Government. While I had never taught the course before and, for the past 32 years in the classroom, have avoided last term seniors, I accepted the challenge.
I cannot say for certain whether the twelfth graders are enjoying and learning in the class. Their participation and performance indicate that they are as we discuss and write about topics ranging from the future of democracy to rights of the accused to freedom of the press.
What a relief for students (and me!) not to be driven by the spirit wrenching preparation for the College Board’s Advanced Placement “all or nothing” high-stakes testing. Daily activities and interactions are far more authentic and engaging than is practicing and drilling for the state’s “Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium” (SBAC), the “new and improved” end of the year multi-day measurement of student achievement.
While I am not advocating the elimination of all assessment, I am encouraging my colleagues and administrators to re-evaluate their classroom priorities and routines. Having the autonomy to create my own curriculum and determine my own pacing for third trimester non-A.P. seniors required to take Government has been liberating and exhilarating. I am reminded of why I became a teacher.
Ivan Simon
San Luis Obispo High School English Teacher