Many technological introductions have taken place in the last few months, but none compare to what was showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2015. These inventions go anywhere from three-dimensional printers that can make pizzas to the “Bionic Bird,” which is a toy made to look like a real bird. Amongst all the other technological advancements being shown, one stands out in particular. This invention will change lives forever, and save many lives in the long run. It’s such an advancement that it may even change the way we live as a whole, and of course will prevent many of the bad drivers in the school parking lot to not get into accidents. On the Sunday before the start of the CES, Audi sent an A7-based research model to make the journey from San Francisco to Las Vegas, alone.
When asked if self-driving cars will improve safety, senior Delvon Jackson said “yes, especially with young drivers. Maybe even younger people could get their license”.
When this self operating car arrived safely at the convention center, it was joined by cars from other large manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Toyota, and more. BMW started with showcasing their car that can self park. In a video shown by BMW, a woman goes to the grocery store, gets out of her car, and seconds later the car goes and parks itself. When finished with shopping, the car is ready for her to leave. Self-driving cars use motion sensors to know exactly what is around them at all times, meaning that according to the companies producing these cars, the prevention of car accidents will rise 98% with the popularity of their new models.
On the plus side for nature, these cars are completely electric and environmentally safe. The interior of the cars mainly consist of normal seats that face each other, with a small table in the middle. Many are also equipped with good sound systems and televisions.
Although no one who attends San Luis Obispo High School today will be in one of these luxury cars anytime before their graduation, it’s still nice to know that in our lifetime we will see great changes in the safety of transportation.