The College Board offers a wide range of exams and courses. Photo courtesy of senior Ki Jouet.
Many San Luis Obispo High School students who are currently enrolled in AP classes will soon be signing up for exams which become available for purchase on the College Board website on September 18.
This can often be a stressful time for these test takers, but preparing for the AP exams can be very easy with effective time management and a good study plan.
“I try to keep up with the work and then a week before the AP exam, I’ll go over everything from unit one all the way to the present,” said senior Delilah Viayra.
Even if you are new to College Board, purchasing the exam and maneuvering through the website shouldn’t be too much of a challenge.
“It’s pretty simple to buy the exam and work with College Board. Everything is pretty straightforward,” said senior Elena Hsia.
As long as students keep up with a solid study schedule and buy an exam on or near September 18, all should go well.
Good luck, Tiger test takers!